Stars and planets in a photo of space

Dark Sky Festival

Fans of the night sky should mark Aug. 9-10 on their calendar. That’s when Lake Louise and Forestville state parks will host the Fourth Annual Dark Sky Festival, which includes a different set of activities at both parks.

The festival kicks off at Lake Louise on Friday, Aug. 9 from 8:45-10 p.m. Participants can meet at the beach picnic shelter for a journey through the solar system presented by the Minnesota Institute of Astrophysics. Following the presentation, particpants will go on a short walk to view the sky through reflecting telescopes.

The festival continues on Saturday, Aug. 10, from noon to 10:30 p.m. at Forestville. The program includes a solar system hike, children’s story and astronomy art, astrophysics and astrobiologist presentations, touching meterorites, as well as telescope and solar viewing.


Aug 09 2024


8:45 pm - 10:00 pm


Lake Louise State Park