LeRoy Area Historical Society
407 S Broadway LeRoy MN 55951

AKA LeRoy History Club
The LeRoy Area Historical Society brings local history to life. The Historical Society is more than a project to make a museum, we’re on a mission to uncover the secrets of LeRoy’s past. From the first cabin to be built in the original city, to an office from a local major embezzler, Leroy has a story and we’re telling it.
The History Club is one of the oldest organizations in Le Roy. It was organized in 1901. It was at first named the Social Cultural Club. In 1903 it became the History Club. The club was organized by twelve ladies as a study and mutual improvement opportunity. One rule was that there be no discussion of religion or politics. During wartime, the club assisted the Red Cross in rolling bandages and knitting. They, along with the Garden Club, sponsored the Hambrecht Memorial Cabin at Lake Louise State Park, with assistance from the State Historical Society. Sixteen members meet monthly. The yearly calendar carries a specific subject for study.