City of LeRoy MN – Council Meeting Minutes, July 11, 2022
A regular meeting of the LeRoy City Council was called to order by Mayor Ed Koppen on Monday, July 11, 2022, at 6:30 PM at the LeRoy Community Center with the following members present: Mayor Ed Koppen, Council Members Ashley Huntley, Harold Shipman, Gerald Payne, Brian Thiel, Maintenance Employee Nick Sweeney, and City Clerk Patty White.
Also attending: Brian Johnson, City Engineer. All stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Payne requested the addition of two agenda items for Community Center Kitchen and North Park Painting of Tennis & Pickle ball Courts.
Consent Agenda:
- Council reviewed the items included in the consent agenda. A couple of questions were posed. Motion by Shipman, second by Huntley to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried 5-0.
Police Report:
- There was no police report with the absence of the assigned deputy.
Public Input Time:
- No one present had anything to bring during public input time.
Standing Committee Reports:
- Thiel reported the LeRoy Public Library has two computers that are no longer used or needed. The Library Board would like to donate these to a non-profit organization. Thiel would like the council to adopt a model policy, as recommended by LMC, for donations. Payne questioned if there was any department within the city where these computers could be used. White and Sweeney noted they have computers. Koppen suggested the council could adopt the policy, but the council would like to be notified of these donations prior to them happening. It was the consensus of the council to table the donations of these computers until it can be assessed if these can be used within the city. Motion by Thiel to adopt the policy for donation of surplus equipment to a nonprofit organization. Second by Huntley. Motion carried 5-0.
State Highway 56 Project:
- Brian Johnson, city engineer from Jones, Haugh, & Smith, updated council on his work with MnDOT on parcels along the project route that would need construction temporary easements. Johnson noted initially MnDOT classified 32 parcels as city parcels (temporary easements needed due to the excavation needed for city water & sewer extending beyond the right of way). Mr. Johnson reviewed this list and was able to narrow this list down to eight parcels. He reported MnDOT now has concerns with an additional nine parcels. Mr. Johnson came to LeRoy to review these nine parcels. He reported to council that he has also done structural engineering. MnDOT raised concern with four parcels along Hwy 56 with a retaining wall in front of them. Mr. Johnson noted the retaining wall appears to be in good structural shape. Mr. Johnson handed out a summary of his review of these parcels along with pictures of these parcels. Also included in the summary was a drawing showing the best and worst case scenarios per elevation and connection points with the sanitary sewer main. Mr. Johnson has been in contact with MnDOT to relay his findings to them. MnDOT is really pushing the City (via Mr. Johnson) to get temporary construction easements for these parcels. The price for acquiring these temporary easements could be up to $2,700 per parcel. It was noted that some of the property owners have already signed the temporary waiver.
- Koppen recommended to council to leave this in the hands of the city engineer since the council is not an expert in this field. Huntley questioned what would happen if the city went ahead to get these temporary easements and the retaining wall should tip over during construction, would the city have to replace the wall. Johnson noted the city would probably have to replace the wall following MnDOT recommendations. Council took no action on this report from Mr. Johnson. Council thanked Mr. Johnson for this presentation and his work on this project.
Summer Fest 2022:
- Council reviewed the schedule of events slated for Summer Fest 2022.
Cemetery-Tree Removal:
- Huntley reported she talked to Nick Sweeney about two trees that need to be taken down at the Cemetery and one tree in North Park. Sweeney reported he will work with Kyle Stern Family Tree Service to get these trees removed. It was the consensus of the council to have Sweeney take care of removing trees when it is needed and notify the council member on that committee about the removal.
Land Use Permits:
- Council reviewed two land use permits.
- Lots 5 & 6, Block 25, Original Village, 208 W Read, Joyce Nightingale-build porch
- Lots 19 & 20, Block 29, Original Village, 164 E Atkins, Emily Wheeler-build fence
- Motion by Huntley, second by Shipman to approve said permits. Motion carried 5-0.
Communications File:
- Council reviewed a letter from MetroNet pertaining to a rate adjustment for new legacy video service customers.
Street Project for 2022:
- Sweeney reported he has not heard from Colton from Heartland Asphalt. The last conversation he had with Colton was to complete this project when Heartland is here doing the parking lot for the new Dollar General store. Sweeney reported the televising of the sanitary sewer mains under the streets that will be repaired has been completed. He has not gotten the report from Empire Pipe Services yet. Any issues found during the televising and jetting will be addressed when the report is received.
Warning Sirens:
- Sweeney reported he has been trying to connect with Frontier Communications to address the connection of the new siren to the telephone service so the siren can be activated here in LeRoy and not in Austin. Sweeney reported the siren installer wants this information prior to installation.
Strong & John Street-Right of Way Infringement:
- The survey of this area has not been completed yet.
Sidewalk Repair/Replacement-Policies:
- White had researched sidewalk policies with LMC. Koppen read the response received from LMC about this. Council tabled this discussion. White will forward this information to council for their review.
Storm Sewer-South Mather to West Street:
- Sweeney reported he had met with a representative from Mehmert Tiling to discuss the proposed project. This representative felt the engineer’s proposal for this project would be the proper way to fix this. It was noted this storm sewer could also be run south on Mather Street and tie into the storm sewer on Atkins Street. Koppen noted Mike King from LeRoy Lumber should be brought in on this conversation since the proposed project would cross his property. Koppen noted the storm water in this area became an issue as development happened. Payne noted he did not feel the city should have to pay for this project, payment and/or assessments for this project would have to be discussed.
- White has submitted the membership application for the Cooperative Purchasing Venture. Membership in CPV is free; she has not received the membership permit number and security access code yet to review the state bid on vehicles.
Community Center-Range & Emergency Location:
- Koppen reported he has talked to Ron Purkapile about the need to correct the gas shutoff valve to the range. Koppen noted the LeRoy Fire Department and LeRoy Area Ambulance Service have listed the LeRoy Community Center in their contingency plans as an emergency location in case of a natural disaster. Koppen noted the range does not have an electronic ignition, so it can be used when the electricity is out. Koppen also noted the Community Center does not have a generator hookup. That is something that could be considered.
Community Center Kitchen:
- Payne noted the LeRoy Lions have used the Community Center kitchen on occasion and have had issues with the electrical breakers being tripped. Payne also noted the tile floor and cabinets are original to when the building was rehabbed into the Community Center. He would like to have permission to discuss any possible grant funding with the EDA Coordinator Spiff Slifka. Council consensus to have Payne discuss this with Ms. Slifka.
North Park Vandalism:
- Sweeney reported there was destruction to the little library in the North Park. The door on the little library was torn off; books were carried into the restroom and dumped into the toilets. The toilet paper dispenser was also torn off the wall. Sweeney plans to have some trail cameras installed in different areas of both parks. Sweeney noted the new tennis net was installed today. Koppen noted the need for more participation of people calling law enforcement and reporting any disturbances they see.
North Park-Painting of Tennis & Pickle Ball Courts:
- Payne requested having the courts painted following the power washing of them. Sweeney noted the courts will be painted as time allows.
Service Award Recognition:
- Koppen noted many people are very good to this community. He noted the community participation in the recent Basket Social that raised over $6,000 for Summer Fest and community betterment. He noted the attendance and people that organized the Lake Louise State Park Open House; he noted how this is good for tourism. Koppen also took note of the number of students on the fourth quarter honor roll at L-O Schools. He noted a number of young people that are holding down two jobs this summer; these people are very cordial and polite. Payne recognized the LeRoy Fire Department and LeRoy Area Ambulance volunteers. These two services are so very much appreciated. Council also took note of the two new businesses, Good Vibes Coffee Company and Emporium 56.
Nuisance Properties:
- Koppen noted windows have been installed and roofing has begun on the property at 221 East Main Street; the property located at 213 East Henry Street should receive a follow-up letter for having an unsecured property with the open windows. Motion by Payne to contact the city attorney on five different parcels and have the city attorney send out written letters to these owners of record using the section of city code 92.18-Public Nuisances Affecting Peace and Safety. Second by Shipman. Motion carried 5-0.
ARPA Funds:
- White reported the second half of the funds have been received.
EDA & WWG Report:
- Koppen noted a marked improvement in the financial reports from previous month’s reports. Koppen felt there will still be some type of deficit at year end, but he is hopeful this won’t be the case. He noted the need for the EDA and city council to continue to monitor the financial reports from WWG. Council also reviewed the updated balances in the city capital outlay accounts.
Being no further business to come before the council, the meeting was adjourned on a motion by Huntley, second by Shipman at 8:08 PM.
– Edwin Koppen, Mayor
– Patty A. White, City Clerk-Treasurer