July 1, 2024 Meeting Minutes

Posted: July 1, 2024

City of LeRoy MN – Council Meeting Minutes, July 1, 2024


A regular meeting of the LeRoy City Council was called to order by Mayor Ed Koppen on Monday, July 1, 2024, at 6:30 PM at the LeRoy Community Center with the following members present:  Mayor Ed Koppen, Council Members Gerald Payne, Harold Shipman, Brian Thiel, Ashley Huntley, Maintenance Employee Nick Sweeney, and City Clerk Patty White.
Also attending: Axel Gumbel, Jason Boynton of Smith Schafer, Russ Rudlong, Deputy Katlynne Fisher, and Deputy Ian Henderson.  All stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Consent Agenda:

  • Thiel posed a couple of questions on the information included in the consent agenda. Motion by Shipman, second by Huntley to approve the consent agenda.  Motion carried 5-0.

Police Report:

  • Deputy Fisher reported deputies spent six (6) hours per day here in LeRoy over the past month. They responded to 70 calls for service.  The majority of the calls were medical or traffic stops.  A new deputy, Deputy Ian Henderson, introduced himself to council.  He reported he came from the Wabasha area.  Council thanked law enforcement for their time and service.

Public Input Time:

  • Jason Boynton of Smith Schafer introduced himself and presented the 2023 audit report. The city was given an unmodified clean opinion for 2023.  He noted there were no exceptions with Minnesota legal compliance.  He noted Smith Schafer does follow testing and accounting standards when conducting the audit.  He also noted oversight of the council is important with the lack of being able to segregate duties due to being a one-person office.
  • Boynton noted there were some delays in receiving requested information from Wildwood Grove. Thiel questioned about the balance sheet for WWG.  Mr. Boynton noted the balance sheet is in place.  Council thanked Mr. Boynton for his time and report.
  • Motion by Thiel, second by Payne to approve and accept the 2023 audit. Motion carried 5-0.
  • Payne felt the EDA should have an in-person meeting with Lynn Miller of LWJM Professional Tax Services to address some of the minor issues that were mentioned. It is the hope of the EDA to correct these issues.  Thiel questioned if a new accounting firm should be hired to do all of the WWG bookkeeping.  It was reported that Lynn takes care of payroll and the filing of related reports and balances the bank statement.  The accounts payable and accounts receivable are completed in-house at WWG.  Payne questioned if a part-time person should be hired to alleviate some of White’s duties and also do the bookkeeping for WWG.  Koppen felt this is something the EDA could look into.  Payne noted he would address this with the EDA.

Standing Committee Reports:

  • It was noted that Prairie Visions is still trying to get the Shooting Star Trail connected with the Wapsi Trail. Koppen reported he had talked to the Mower County Engineer (Mike Hanson) about this trail connection.  Hanson continues to monitor funding options and getting these two trails connected.
  • Huntley reported there are six new EMTs on the roster. She noted one person still needs to take the EMT test.
  • Thiel reported the library board approved paying the snow removal bill for this past snow season. Payne questioned if the board has had any discussion on the books that have been reduced from the book stock/inventory and given away.  Concern was expressed with the non-fiction books that were weeded from the inventory.  Thiel was questioned who makes the decision of what books are brought into the library.  Payne expressed concern that more funds are being expended for making the library look nicer than what is being paid for book purchases.  Thiel noted he would take these concerns to the next library board meeting.

State Highway 56 Project:

  • Sweeney reported the new water and sewer mains have been installed up to the well house. Storm sewer installation is being worked on now.  Some new valves have been installed to help with the phasing of water service.  Sweeney noted he has been very involved with the installation of a new valve near the well house.  White presented Change Order #1 pertaining to establishing unit pricing for 6” services and wyes for the increased cost of $492.  Motion by Payne, second by Thiel to approve Change Order #1.  Motion carried 5-0.

Lake Louise State Park-Shooting Star Trail-Tourism:

  • Axel Gumbel reported that Benjamin White is the Natural Resources Technician at Lake Louise State Park (LLSP) four days per week. White makes a point to be in the office to visit with campers and to assist where he is needed.  He does mowing, cleaning, and other tasks and really seems to care about the park.  Gumbel noted Mr. White is interested in making the park better.
  • Koppen noted an article in the Marvelous Mower County booklet that LLSP is the oldest recreational site in Minnesota. It was noted that maintenance for the Shooting Star Trail is very poor.  Payne questioned about organizing a meeting with elected officials, both state and county, to invite them to a meeting to let them know about LLSP and the Shooting Star Trail.  It was questioned who would call such a meeting.  Koppen felt that Prairie Visions could call the meeting and invite area legislators, county commissioners, and the city councils of the four Prairie Visions towns.
  • Koppen noted the Geraldine Byers property that is listed for sale; he noted this is a 15 acre parcel. He suggested the city could purchase this property and consider the establishment of a dog park.  Koppen also noted the city may want to acquire title to this property to be able to find a developer to develop this land into residential building lots.  Council consensus to have White compile information on this property.

Appoint Election Judges for Primary & General Election:

  • Council reviewed the list of election judges. Motion by Shipman, second by Payne to appoint the listed election judges for the Primary and General Elections.  Motion carried 5-0.

Cemetery Tiling Project:

  • Council reviewed the information that had been compiled for this project. It was noted the culvert under 765th Avenue near the driveway into the cemeteries is plugged.  The culvert under the driveway going into the cemeteries is also plugged.  White noted she had gotten this information to the trustees of the St. Patrick’s Catholic Cemetery for their review.  Motion by Shipman to deny the request of funds for this project.  Second by Payne.  On a roll call of votes Koppen, Shipman, Payne, and Huntley voted aye; Thiel abstained.  The motion carried 4-0.

Land Use Permits:

  • Council reviewed one land use permit.
  1. Lots 1 & 2 & N 25’ St Adj on SW, Block 18, Original Village, 304 E Main, Heather Tucke-pour cement pad and move garage back onto cement pad
  • Motion by Payne, second by Huntley to approve this permit. Motion carried 5-0.

Communications File:

  • Council reviewed the Summer Fest schedule. Thiel noted the joint church service will move to LeRoy Lutheran Church in case of inclement weather.




  • Shipman reported there are 64 dead or dying trees on city property. Shipman requested to have the city maintenance staff mark the dead trees in both city parks and get a quote for tree removal.  Sweeney noted they are quite busy with other projects plus the Hwy 56 project to get these trees marked soon.  Motion by Thiel to have one or two council members mark the dead trees in both city parks, get a quote from Kyle Stern for removal, and move forward with getting these trees taken down.  Second by Payne.  Motion carried 5-0.

Service Award Recognition:

  • Koppen recognized the LeRoy Lions and the LeRoy Area Historical Society for their work on different endeavors and on their very successful fundraisers. Koppen also recognized the LeRoy Commercial Club for their very successful Basket Social.

Vacant & Nuisance Properties:

  • Payne noted this process will take time. He questioned if a subcommittee could be put together to determine what needs to be addressed at each property.  Council consensus to have Payne, Shipman, and Thiel work on compiling a list of what needs to be corrected at each property.  Council consensus to have White send a letter to the owner of record of 210 East Frederick Street noting the property needs to be secured.

Housing Incentives Discussion:

  • Koppen noted an article in the Marvelous Mower County booklet that addresses the county tax abatement program. Thiel noted he is still compiling information on different programs.  This will be reviewed as more information is made available.

Strong & John Street-Right of Way Infringement:

  • This will be addressed following the completion of the Hwy 56 project.

ARPA Funds:

  • There was nothing new to report on these funds.

EDA & WWG Report:

  • Payne reported the line of credit has an unpaid balance of $18,000. The subcommittee is recommending to continue accruing the funds being used to pay down the line of credit in a savings account when the line of credit is paid off.

Being no further business to come before the council, the meeting was adjourned on a motion by Shipman, second by Huntley at 8:30 PM.